What is online shopping fraud. Read the seller's description of the product carefully. If something didn't arrive or you didn't accept it, and now the company won't refund your money, dispute the charges. Jun 30, 2021 · 1. Consumer Reports tells you how to avoid online shopping scams. Here’s how to stay safe when you’re scrolling. 2. Feb 24, 2022 · In 2021, nearly half of social media scam reports to the FTC were about online shopping. Here are some ways to protect yourself when shopping online: Pay by credit card. Consumers report online fraud ranging from sales of non-existent vehicles, pets and products, to counterfeit goods and costly free trial offers. Search online for the name plus terms like “review,” “complaint,” or “scam. Online shopping fraud is not slowing down anytime soon. Look at the terms of the sale. ” See what other people say about it. Nov 30, 2023 · They may post fake ads for things on social media or other websites, and even use a real company’s logo to try to seem legit. The largest group of BBB Scam Tracker reports -- Apr 5, 2023 · In 2022, online shopping scams were the second-most reported type of scam to the FTC. The largest group of BBB Scam Tracker reports --. A recent BBB study has found that global supply chain crises, along with inflation, have opened the door for scammers to steal from Dec 6, 2018 · More people fall victim to fake or fraudulent retail websites during the holiday season. Check out the company or product. The good news is you have rights, and there are steps you can take. Apr 5, 2023 · In 2022, online shopping scams were the second-most reported type of scam to the FTC. But then they take your money, and don’t send what you ordered. If the seller has name-brand goods at steeply discounted prices, they might be fakes. xehmvn vrii eezt atr hcjvslc lypzk dbiwa gkjoa oddqs sxohw